
Spotting the Storm

I knew there was a slight risk for severe weather east of Oklahoma City. I was sitting in my dorm at OU, and decided to go outside and take a few pictures of the storms that were to the northeast, moving away, and out of chasing reach. That's when I saw these towers to my southeast.

Growing Cumulus        



3:30 pm

Chasing it

We grabbed our camera equipment, and ran to simon's car. Stopped by the 7 Eleven for gas and drinks, turned on the weather radio, looked at a map, on we were on our way.

We saw this storm grow as we approached it from the west. It was growing so fast in fact that we could see the growth in the clouds as we drove.

Developing Supercell        


Find the Right Place

Because of correct time, and the right direction, we put ouselves in the perfect place to see a tornado, had the storm porduced one. Instead, it produced a week wall cloud, with a weak funnel.

Simon has better pictures of the funnel, since I was doing the videotaping. Hopefully, those will be up soon.

Wall Cloud and Weak Funnel       



Post Storm Beauty

After all the excitement of our first chase, and seeing our first wallcloud and funnel, it was nice to see such a beautiful sunset.

This makes a good point, storm chasing is not all about tornadoes, it's about finding the beauty in the sky.

Heading Back        




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All storm chasing (tornado, supercell, lightning, hail, sunset, ect.) photos and videos are copyright property of Jim Bishop and Simon Brewer (Stormgasm), unless otherwise specified. Any unauthorized reproductions are strictly prohibited by law.