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All storm chasing (tornado, supercell, lightning, hail, sunset, ect.) photos and videos are copyright property of Jim Bishop and Simon Brewer (Stormgasm), unless otherwise specified. Any unauthorized reproductions are strictly prohibited by law.
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Magnitude 5.6 Oklahoma Earthquake

At approximately 11:53 PM CDT Simon Brewer felt a strong jolt followed by more jolts and strong shaking/swaying motions, and a relatively loud rumble in Norman, OK. Simon waited for a few seconds and the shaking escalated, so he stood and walked to the front door and walked outside in the case structural damage might occur to his building. The shaking then subsided and he spoke with neighbors and went back inside when it appeared all shaking had ceased. Minutes later the USGS reported a 5.6 Magnitude earthquake had occurred near Sparks, OK (~45 miles from Norman). This might be the strongest earthquake to affect Oklahoma in over 100 years; this earthquake was a Magnitude 5.6, which was not much weaker than the Magnitude 5.8 Virginia/D.C. earthquake from August. Simon will be monitoring for aftershocks unless this was merely a foreshock for something bigger.

Below are some links to information on the earthquake:







Below is a link to a graphic showing recent U.S. earthquakes including the August Virginia Earthquake:
